Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Misaki Chronicles, Divergence Eve 2 – Anime series

Title - Misaki Chronicles, Divergence EVE 2
Languge - Japanese
Genre - Anime, Sci-Fi

Misaki Chronicle is the 13 episode sequel to Divergence EVE and is set almost directly after first series.  I advise that you watch Divergence EVE before Misaki chronicles as the characters are already established and you do need to know the story.
Misaki Chronicle can be split into two parts, in the first part we find (in the second episode) the habitation ring of Watchers Nest, which was used as part of the evacuation at the end of the last series has travelled through the wormhole and attempted to enter into an orbit around earth but as they try to enter orbit, what looks like a number of Ghoul travel to earth which is then surrounded by a green energy barrier.  The habitation rings set up orbit around the moon and start to investigate what has happened.  The barrier turns out to be a temporal barrier tuned to various times in Japans history; although this is the history from Divergence EVE so some of the time periods are still in the future.
Lyar & Kiri are sent down to Earth to find out what is happening. 
The first two episodes, at first seem to be a prequel to Divergence EVE (We don’t find out about waters nest until the beginning of the second episode and even then we are told what has happen in bits) as we follow Misaki, first with flash’ s of when she was a little girl and then as the joins the Space core and goes through her training on earth, during this time Lyar has come through the barrier and follows a signal which she believes is a Ghoul  but, when she finds what is causing the signal she finds a young version of Misaki.  Following the young Misaki, Lyar find the current Misaki who is thinking of leaving her training.  While Lyar & Misaki talk they are interrupted by the manifestation of a Ghoul, at the same time the other members of Seraphim (Except Kotoko-01) who are also training.  When Lyar returns to Watchers nest we find out that Seraphim did not meet up until they were on Watchers Nest.
The next couple of episodes are set during historical periods in earth’s history; I won’t give too much away except to say that Misaki is present in all of the time periods trying to change history to make things happier, when she needs to use more force Misaki appears in her ghoul form (as seen in Divergence eve.  Episode 5 is set during the training Misaki’s farther had to undertake to be sent out to watchers nest. As Lyar & Kiri leave earth at the end of this episode the green temporal barrier changes almost trapping them in the past and, when they return to the habitation ring they find that there is now two versions of Watchers nest, the one that is now orbiting the moon and the original one.  This leads us into the second part of the which sees Lyar, Kiri, Kotoko (upgraded and given a ‘cuter’ look) and Susanna (who, at first thinks she has been recruited to help but who later gets her memories back) travel to the original watchers nest where they meet up with Misaki’s human form & find her ghoul form holing back a ghoul invasion.
 The second half of the series continues the story from Divergence Eve where we find out more about the necromancers (the dead in the Rampart armour who haunt the planet below Watchers nest) and the connection to LaBlanc and Alchemy, we also find out why Prim was working for Alchemy and the true purpose of Watchers Nest.
I had a bit of a problem getting a copy of Misaki chronicles here in the UK but I am glad I managed to find one.  Misaki Chronicles is a good follow up to Divergence EVE and expands well on the science used in the original it also tie’s up the loose plot lines (even a couple you may not have noticed ) and follows the darker tone that is present at the end of Divergence EVE.  There are a couple of hints that leave an opening for a 3rd series but, as far as I know this is the end of the anime.  There is a bit of the ending that I did not think was altogether necessary but that was added on to make the ending a bit happier.  In saying that Misaki Chronicles does end the two series’ well and has the right amount of humour in it to stop it from being a very dark and depressing series and, of course there is the same camera shots of large breasts  and some nudity for fan service.

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