Sunday, 14 August 2011

Dead Hooker in a trunk (2009)

Title - Dead Hooker in a Trunk
Director - Jen & Sylvia Soska
Language - English
Genre - Action, horror, Grindhouse

One of the first things I noticed about 'Dead Hooker' is that none of the characters are named, the main cast are only known by their stereo type and the other characters are just know as what they are.

The film starts at a party which Junkie and Badass are at, but the story starts the following morning when Geek (Bad ass' sister) is asked to pick up her friend (Goody two Shoes).  After picking up Goody two shoes the group set off to pick up some drugs but on the way they realise there is a strange smell coming from the trunk of the car, when they look they find the body of a dead hooker and a lot of drugs, as Junkie & Bad Ass can't remember much of what happened at the party the night before they decide that they can't risk involving the police so head out to bury the body in the woods.

The four main cast each fill a role of a different stereo type, the Geek, The Junkie, The Bad Ass & the Goody Two Shoes providing a group dynamic that is always in conflict with the Junk & Bad Ass set against the Goody Two Shoes and the Geek but with the added complications of the Geek & the Bad Ass being sister's & of the Geek and Goody Two Shoes relationship

The Group are first pitted against each other when deciding what to do with the body, the Junkie and Bad Ass

want to get rid of it and the Geek and Goody two shoes want to report it to the police.  On the way to bury the body the group cross the police, the mafia & a pimp and are forced to work together (helped along the way by a guest appearance by God)

As 'Dead Hooker' plays out it covers the topic of  what is right, religion and the greater good all mixed with drugs, violence, blood, serial killers, sex & dead hookers.  'Dead Hooker in a Trunk' is over the top, from the main cast playing the typical movie stereo types & everyone they meet (except God) either trying to kill them or sleep with them to the amount of blood and injureys, but it works, no one really believes that hitting someone on the back of the head with a baseball bat would cause their eye to fall out and splat on the ground (we all know it would come out and hang by the optic nerve) but it work for the film, after all films are not real and 'Dead Hooker' is on the right side of over the top action.

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