Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Rubber (2011)

Title - Rubber
Director - Quentin Dupieux
Language - English
Running Time - 79 Min's
Genre - Horror, grind house, WTF

"In E.T. why is the alien Brown, no reason.  In love story why do the 2 main characters fall madly in love, no reason.  In JFK why does the President get shot part way through, no reason....All great films contain an element of no reason" Paraphrased from Lieutenant Chad.

A crowd gathers on a hill to watch a film.  A tyre rises from the ground and we watch as it learns to move and kill.  A police Lieutenant knows what is happening but it is not going to plan.  Why, no reason.

Rubber is a film that clams there is no reason to it, but which also explores the nature of films, that is, to be watched.  As the crowd gatherers to watch an unknown film we watch the 'birth' of the films main character, Robert, a car tyre as he (it) rises from the ground and makes his (it's) unsteady way across the sand.  Robert soon finds that he can't roll over some thing and that he is not heavy enough to flatten most thing so he blows them up with his telepathy.

When the crowd on the hill go to sleep so does Robert and when they wake so does Robert showing that he is the representation of a film, Robert is the reason the crowd are on the hill but he would not exist if they were not there showing that the film exists for the audience but then taking the narrative further, a film is a safe form of entertainment but if the film, or Roberts life, is being created as the audience watch what happens if some continues watching longer than they should?  this is answered as Robert becomes obsessed with a woman named Sheila who is heading to the nearest town and one spectator keeps watching for longer than he should.

If you want a film with lots of deaths that follows the normal formula then Rubber is not for you.  If, however you want something different and surreal and where a tyre can blow up peoples head and you don't need answers to all the questions then give Rubber a go and remember weather you like it or not it doesn't really matter.

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