Tuesday 15 April 2014

Samurai Bride

Title - Samurai Bride
Language - Japanese
Genre - Anime, harem, fighting

Samurai Bride is the follow up series to Samurai Girls  so there may be some spoilers.
After the events of Samurai Girls Muneakire had gone travelling to help get over the final battle, leaving the samurai in charge of the dojo.  The series starts as Muneakira returns to find that the Dojo was running out of money and so, to stop it closing the girls have opened it up as a maid cafe.  Muneakira is not happy with this but is soon persuaded that it is the only a temporary measure until they can make the money to pay off the debts.
As part of the promotion for the cafe Kangtsugu is sent out to hand out fliers, on her way she takes shortcut through the local graveyard where she runs into four strangers. Later these strangers visit the Dojo/maid cafe and reveal themselves to be recently resurrected dark samurai who are looking to challenge Jubei, who they believe to be the strongest warrior around to a fight to the death.  The Dark Samurai then attack the girls but Jubei does not have the ability to transform into a master samurai any more.  The dark samurai believe that Jubei is an imposter and give the girls one month to produce the real Jubei, they put a curse on Muneakira that will stop him raising his arms in battle and if, after the month the real Jubei does not fight them Muneakira will lose his power and none of the girls will ever be able to become master samurai again.

The first few episodes are mainly fan service with the slowly developing story line of Muneakira and the others trying to find a way of getting Jubei her powers back (Jubei lost her powers when she sacrificed herself at the end of season 1.).  Having to have at least the same amount of fan service we now see all the main female cast in maid outfits and we have the introduction of the 4 dark samurai, all of whom are female and one panty stealing monkey,  also who manages to accidentally become one of Muneakira's samurai. This upsets Kangtsugu and leads to a few comic moments. The fan service in the first half of the show reaches its high point when due to the sudden surge of people opening maid cafes in the area the girls decide to hold a competition to find out which is the best.  The episode starts at the final of the competition with the last two cafes being Muneakira's and one open suddenly by the dark samurai (no one knows where it is & we don't think they've ever had any customers).  Muneakira's team are cheating as they see wining as way of boosting their revenue, the dark samurai are using it as a way to find out the strengths of the samurai girls, especially Jubei.
After this episode the story starts to play out properly the samurai girls now have clue as to what is wrong with Jubei and set out to find Keiji Maede the one person they think can help.  There is also a strange creature stalking the streets below the dojo that seems to be linked to the dark samurai.  Muneakira and co have to find out what the creature is and why the dark samurai were really resurrected.  With the help of a de powered Gisen and some information that Yoshihiko Tokugawa has been keeping secret will the girls be able to save Great Japan from chaos and destruction.

Samurai bride takes it's time getting down to the main story using the first few episodes to introduce the dark samurai, the problems Jubei has and to set up some small storylines.  The first half of the series relies more on the fan service than the story which i have no problems with.  I was watching the American edit and can’t help wondering how much of the censorship was for that audience.  I am waiting for the UK edition to come out.  When the story starts proper it is interesting and has quite a few twists and turns in it which kept me entertained (again the fan service also helped) although it was pretty obvious who the bride was going to be.
One of the strengths of the first series was the art style and i was glad to see that this was carried on in this season.
Samurai bride is a good follow on to the first season and if you watch for the story more than the panty shots then stick with it.

If you have seen Samurai girls then you have a good idea what you will be getting into but if you haven’t (& why not) then be warned there is fan service, panty shots & nudity everywhere.
So this is definitely one to watch if you like action fighting ghosts and did i mention the fan service.

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