Friday 18 October 2013

Attack girls swim team vs. the undead

Title -

Attack girls swim team vs. the undead
Language - Japanese
Genre - Zombie, horror

Contains spoilers
I had high hopes for a film with a title like 'Attack girl swim team vs. the undead' but I have to admit I was left a bit disappointed, the problem is I'm not really sure why.  The film starts three days before a cross school swimming competition.  Everything seems to be going ok for one of the competing schools, they've been training hard, the school has been vaccinating students against the new virus that’s going around and there is a new student who they are going to recruit to replace their sick team mate.  Then things take a turn for the worst, the team's coach is found dead and then shows up alive again and the rest of the school start turning into flesh eating zombies until only the girls swim team and the new girl, Aki are that is left.
I think that, if the films plot stopped there it would have been better, they could even have kept the 'mad scientist' cause of the zombie the same but, the inclusion of Aki's back story seemed to add more complication than was necessary, especially as the main point of the back story was just to get more sex on the screen.
Parts of the flashback scenes didn't seem to make to much sense, how could he talk and play the flute at the same time, I think it was supposed to be Aki remembering things slightly wrong and it was the twin who was speaking if so then this seems to be another example of the film trying to be more intelligent than it was.

Girls swim team also seemed to be lacking a bit in the zombie department, putting most of the focus on the two zombie teachers who were quite entertaining but they failed to get across the same sense of threat that could been produce by giving the horde of other zombies that were lurking a bit more screen time.
With the exception of the first scene with the zombies in the in the classroom the other 'normal' zombies seemed a bit pathetic.  I can live with cure for the virus as it fits in with the good part of the plot but for the most part, when we see any normal zombies they are just pushed out of the way and they don’t even swarm, after the first zombie scene we only see about 4 zombies on screen at one time.  With that said I will admit that the little gore that is in the film is quite good.

The swim team is also a bit to pathetic, whilst it is good to  see a film where the survivor's can't automatable pick up any weapon and know how to use it to its full zombie killing capability some zombie killing would have been good.  Part of the problem in this area may have been the lack of zombies I mentioned earlier.  You can't have your side cast killing off your main monsters but, the action could have been improved with more normal zombies.

Now we come to the main villain, there is not too much I can say about this except when he is revealed it’s like something out of a bad Scooby Doo episode and the ‘twist’ with him at the end is just a bit odd.
In saying all of that I would probable give ‘Attack girls swim team vs. the undead’, maybe knowing what to expect may up the enjoyment a bit more.

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