At the time of writing we are on episode six of the Marvel comic's series Legion and there are many theories as to what is actually happening, so I thought I'd add my own to the mix. As I will be talking about the show and the comics, there will be spoilers.
The show, Legion is based on the X-Men comics published by Marvel comics and follows David Haller, a young man who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia but who is, in fact a powerful mutant. He is rescued from a government organisation, Division 3 by a group of mutants, led by Dr. Melanie Bird who want to help and possibly use him.
A lot of the show takes place in David's memories as Dr. Birds team try to uncover David's past. Unfortunately David's mind is inhabited by at least one evil entity, the yellow eyed demon. There is very little known about this character except that it seems to be one of the shows main villains and so it is this character that there are the most theory's about. There are many articles going around who think that the Yellow eyed demon is a character know as Mojo. In the comics Mojo is an interdimentional being who rules and artificial universe known as the Mojo-verse which is basically a large television station which films 'reality T.V.' shows where Mojo has trapped mutants from around the multiverse and is making them fight for their lives. There has been no mention of the Mojo-verse although we do know places such as the astral plane exist. The only other thing that could be the Mojo-verse is the reference to the 'planets' talking to David but I don't think this fits in with the rest of the show, which seems to be set in more thought/dream based realms

I find myself finding it hard to see the Yellow Eyed Demon as Mojo. The first theories came about before we knew much about the character and were mainly based on his appearance with the main difference being that Mojo has mechanical spider legs instead of two 'normal' human type legs and if i was only going on appearance I may have agreed but Yellow eyed demon does not seem to be filming David or any of the other mutants, he seems to be hiding something from David and the others and in episode six he did reveal that he was after David's body, and I assume his powers. Now I know that there still isn't much known about The Yellow Eyed Demon and this could all be a set up for something that is going to happen in the last couple of episodes or, it could be that the character has been changed for the T.V. show but it seems to be a big change so I'd like to offer my two theories.
1) The yellow eyed Demon is the Shadow king - A psychic entity who is attempting to possess David to gain his powers and use him to enslave humanity. we know from the comics that the Shadow king can possess people, he did it to Storm and a number of other X-Men. This would also fit in with a comment he passed in episode six when he told David that he had once know his farther who had tried to hide him [David] to stop him [The yellow eyed demon] from finding him. We know in the series that David was adopted and from the comics we know that his true parents are Professor Charles Xavier, leader of the X-Men and Moira Mactaggert, a human geneticist. Moira does not have any powers in the comics and I can't remember her using any so far in Legion.
When we first met Dr Bird in episode one of my first thoughts was, is this really Moira Mactaggert, now this is a theory I keep coming back to and if it is then it may help explain other things. Dr Bird has her husband in cryogenic suspension. The man's mind is still active in the 'astral plane' a dimension accessible by psychics. It could be possible that the man in the astral Plane is Xavier, this would be true if Dr Bird is Moira. If this is the case then Xavier may be in the astral plane after his encounter with the Shadow King.
2) My second theory as to the identity of the yellow eyed demon came from a silly thought, what if it was Emma Frost trying to return. Emma Frost is a quite an important character in the X-Men comics, having been in a number of 'evil mutant' groups as well as the X-man them selves but, in the Fox cinematic universe of the X-Men films she was killed off in the 4th film (or 1st of the reboots) X-men first class. Now there have been rumours that the Legion is linked to the Cinematic universe so this could be a way of bringing back one of the few characters that would still be dead after the events of 'Day's of Future Past'. Although it is unlikely that it is Emma Frost I think it is possible because:
a) we know that the Yellow Eyed Demon can take on the form of any gender.
b) Emma Frost met Charles Xavier in the 'First Class' film
it is also possible that the character known as the eye is connected. The eye is a dishevelled looking man who works for District 3, who we have seen take on the appearance of other characters in the show, now it would probably be assumed that his power is shape shifting but it is possible that he is not taking on the form of these other characters just projecting their image over his own and this is a power seen in the comics of a mutant known as 'master mind'. Mastermind was a member of the 'Hellfire club' a band of mutants who used their powers for their own gain. When we fist meet Mastermind in the comics he appears as a well off, handsome gentleman but it is later reviled that he a scruffy not so good looking man and that he had used his power to change his appearance.
Emma Frost was also a member of the Hellfire club so it could be possible that Mastermind is trying to get her back. Master minds powers do seem to fit with the fell of the show and the other characters, most of whom seem to have powers connected with the mind (psychic, dreams) or body (sharing and swapping)
At the time of writing we are on episode six of the Marvel comic's series Legion and there are many theories as to what is actually happening, so I thought I'd add my own to the mix. As I will be talking about the show and the comics, there will be spoilers.
The show, Legion is based on the X-Men comics published by Marvel comics and follows David Haller, a young man who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia but who is, in fact a powerful mutant. He is rescued from a government organisation, Division 3 by a group of mutants, led by Dr. Melanie Bird who want to help and possibly use him.
A lot of the show takes place in David's memories as Dr. Birds team try to uncover David's past. Unfortunately David's mind is inhabited by at least one evil entity, the yellow eyed demon. There is very little known about this character except that it seems to be one of the shows main villains and so it is this character that there are the most theory's about. There are many articles going around who think that the Yellow eyed demon is a character know as Mojo. In the comics Mojo is an interdimentional being who rules and artificial universe known as the Mojo-verse which is basically a large television station which films 'reality T.V.' shows where Mojo has trapped mutants from around the multiverse and is making them fight for their lives. There has been no mention of the Mojo-verse although we do know places such as the astral plane exist. The only other thing that could be the Mojo-verse is the reference to the 'planets' talking to David but I don't think this fits in with the rest of the show, which seems to be set in more thought/dream based realms
I find myself finding it hard to see the Yellow Eyed Demon as Mojo. The first theories came about before we knew much about the character and were mainly based on his appearance with the main difference being that Mojo has mechanical spider legs instead of two 'normal' human type legs and if i was only going on appearance I may have agreed but Yellow eyed demon does not seem to be filming David or any of the other mutants, he seems to be hiding something from David and the others and in episode six he did reveal that he was after David's body, and I assume his powers. Now I know that there still isn't much known about The Yellow Eyed Demon and this could all be a set up for something that is going to happen in the last couple of episodes or, it could be that the character has been changed for the T.V. show but it seems to be a big change so I'd like to offer my two theories.
1) The yellow eyed Demon is the Shadow king - A psychic entity who is attempting to possess David to gain his powers and use him to enslave humanity. we know from the comics that the Shadow king can possess people, he did it to Storm and a number of other X-Men. This would also fit in with a comment he passed in episode six when he told David that he had once know his farther who had tried to hide him [David] to stop him [The yellow eyed demon] from finding him. We know in the series that David was adopted and from the comics we know that his true parents are Professor Charles Xavier, leader of the X-Men and Moira Mactaggert, a human geneticist. Moira does not have any powers in the comics and I can't remember her using any so far in Legion.
When we first met Dr Bird in episode one of my first thoughts was, is this really Moira Mactaggert, now this is a theory I keep coming back to and if it is then it may help explain other things. Dr Bird has her husband in cryogenic suspension. The man's mind is still active in the 'astral plane' a dimension accessible by psychics. It could be possible that the man in the astral Plane is Xavier, this would be true if Dr Bird is Moira. If this is the case then Xavier may be in the astral plane after his encounter with the Shadow King.
2) My second theory as to the identity of the yellow eyed demon came from a silly thought, what if it was Emma Frost trying to return. Emma Frost is a quite an important character in the X-Men comics, having been in a number of 'evil mutant' groups as well as the X-man them selves but, in the Fox cinematic universe of the X-Men films she was killed off in the 4th film (or 1st of the reboots) X-men first class. Now there have been rumours that the Legion is linked to the Cinematic universe so this could be a way of bringing back one of the few characters that would still be dead after the events of 'Day's of Future Past'. Although it is unlikely that it is Emma Frost I think it is possible because:
a) we know that the Yellow Eyed Demon can take on the form of any gender.
b) Emma Frost met Charles Xavier in the 'First Class' film
it is also possible that the character known as the eye is connected. The eye is a dishevelled looking man who works for District 3, who we have seen take on the appearance of other characters in the show, now it would probably be assumed that his power is shape shifting but it is possible that he is not taking on the form of these other characters just projecting their image over his own and this is a power seen in the comics of a mutant known as 'master mind'. Mastermind was a member of the 'Hellfire club' a band of mutants who used their powers for their own gain. When we fist meet Mastermind in the comics he appears as a well off, handsome gentleman but it is later reviled that he a scruffy not so good looking man and that he had used his power to change his appearance.
Emma Frost was also a member of the Hellfire club so it could be possible that Mastermind is trying to get her back. Master minds powers do seem to fit with the fell of the show and the other characters, most of whom seem to have powers connected with the mind (psychic, dreams) or body (sharing and swapping)